Rescue Me Georgia (RMG) was created by two women who came together in 2008 with the same wish; to help the forgotten dogs in Jasper County who, up to that point, had no voice. They joined forces and decided to concentrate their efforts on a small, rural animal control in Jasper County (specifically located in Monticello, Georgia). Jasper County is about 90 miles southeast of Atlanta, and although most of our foster homes are in the Atlanta area, we still do our best to save Jasper County dogs, as well as from other animal controls around Atlanta.

In the past 12 years , RMG has grown and saved the lives of more than 5,000 animals. We are an ALL-VOLUNTEER 501c(3) nonprofit rescue group licensed in the state of Georgia.

RMG is a FOSTER BASED RESCUE - we do not have a facility - but we have a great foster team that constantly open their hearts and homes to take in the ones we save!

RMG depends solely on voluntary donations and adoption fees to cover our vetting expenses. Donations and NEW FOSTER HOMES enable us to do what we do - and every dog we adopt OUT - allows us to save another. Over the years, we have collaborated with various rescues in the Northeast and we continue, on a case-by-case basis, to adopt some dogs North and in other areas of the United States. Every decision we make is centered around what is in the best interest of that dog, as our ultimate goal is to help all of our rescues live happy, healthy and vibrant lives.

We are grateful that you have found us and appreciate you spreading the word about what we do. Many employers do match donations made to non profits like ours. Please keep us in mind during any time of the year that you might be able to donate towards our mission. 

About Rescue Me Georgia

Rescue Me Georgia (RMG) was created in 2008 when we started rescuing dogs about 90 miles outside of Atlanta in Jasper County, Georgia. In 2011 we received our non profit status and the real work began. We pulled thousands from Jasper County, but realized our efforts were needed in other places too.

In the past 15 years , RMG has grown and saved the lives of more than 6000 animals across the state. We are an ALL-VOLUNTEER 501c(3) nonprofit rescue group that is foster based - we do not have a facility, but we DO HAVE a great foster team that opens their hearts and homes daily to help us save dogs.

RMG depends solely on voluntary donations and adoption fees to cover our vetting expenses. Donations and NEW FOSTER HOMES enable us to do what we do - and every dog we adopt OUT - allows us to save another. Over the years, we have collaborated with various rescue groups in the Northeast and we continue, on a case-by-case basis, to adopt some dogs from other areas of the United States. Every decision we make is centered around the best interest of that dog, as our ultimate goal is to help all of our rescues live happy, healthy and vibrant lives.

We are grateful that you have found us and appreciate you spreading the word about what we do. Many employers do match donations made to non profits like ours. Please keep us in mind during any time of the year that you might be able to donate towards our mission. 

Thank you!